Rapid City airport awarded $4.5 million in federal funding

Approximately $3.7 million of the funds will go toward the renovation of the terminal, according to airport documents. … Renovations will include the replacement of an elevator Dame said is original to the building and the relocation of an escalator to the center of the terminal. Dame said these projects and others — such as

Feds fund Rochester airport projects

The $3.3 million will be used to install a new jet bridge for boarding passengers and start design work for the first phase of secondary runway reconstruction. Both projects have been in airport renovation plans, waiting for the approval of federal funding, which will cover 90 percent of the estimated cost.

Airports In Monterey, Napa Among Those Receiving Federal Improvement Grants

The Federal Aviation Administration announced Wednesday that airports in Monterey, Napa and Watsonville are among those that will receive grants as part of the fourth allotment of the Airport Improvements Program. There are an additional 19 California airports among the recipients, bringing the state to a grand sum of $23.5 million in federal airport improvement

Garrett County airport was awarded $6.63 million

The Department of Transportation says the money will go to the construction of eight corporate hangars. Officials say this renovation has been a priority for the community since 2015. The addition of the hangers will help eight different business owners that altogether own a total 32 different aircrafts. There is a proposed groundbreaking ceremony for

Brunswick airport gets $150K grant

The Brunswick Executive Airport was awarded $150,000 from the Federal Aviation Administration’s Airport Improvement program to fund taxiway repairs. The airport, at 15 Terminal Road at Brunswick Landing, is one of six in the state to receive a grant from the FAA, which awarded just less than $2.6 million to Maine airports.

Palatka airport receives $453K grant for safety improvement

The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed Palatka Municipal Airport will receive a grant for a badly-needed safety improvement. The grant, administered by the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program, is worth $453,736 and will be used to re-engineer a taxiway serving Runway 17 at the airport and add new taxiway signs.